Well, 1 more thing down on our "MN To Do" List! Saturday we went to the

Minneapolis Uptown Art Fair, got some kettle corn (it was as good as my dad's, that's the only reason I bought some), Mack got some spicy gumbo and we drank some lemonade as we walked around and saw some interesting art and people. The weather in Minneapolis is a hot 76* here lol. Man we are not excited to come back to this 110* and higher heat Texas has been having. Sunday we went to the Minnesota Zoo! It was a blast. We saw lions, tigers, sharks and bears..O MY! We went to a Dolphin show, where saw the father, mother and baby dolphin do tricks and cool us down with water. All the kids (me) included where having a lot of fun I had to sit on my feet so I could see more! It was a great Sunday with the hubby. We came home, had dinner and took the dogs for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Speaking of houses, WE ARE MOVING to TEXAS, AUGUST 28th!! Whoop! That is 18 days away from today! I have not even started packing yet. That is also 7 days after, marking our ONE YEAR, I have been married to this wonderful, godly and handsome man!
Today, I have been very busy, I got caught up on all of my shows, HGTV Design Star..yes I am going to redo a whole house one day lol, Pretty Little Liars, I cannot wait to see who is "A", is it Jason or Jena?, and of course..Master Chef, I really want Jennifer to win!...(Christian..Yuck & rude!) Also, I planned our driving trip back down to Texas. For a start we have "Door-to-Door" taking all of our stuff down to TX so we don't have to rent a Uhaul and haul it all down there, pack, unpack and then do it all over again when we find a house to live in. Then, I called hotels, and made a little (5 hr detour) so I can finally see CHICAGO! Yes folks, CHICAGO! I cannot wait to see what I got to talk about in class, the Millennium Park, Sears Towers and THE BEAN! So that's one day and night in Chicago then getting up early in the morning headed down to Texas, stop in Memphis, TN, spend the night, then the rest of the journey home to Tyler the 30th. Yes we will be moved down to TX AUGUST 30th! Whoop! I cannot wait to see all our friends and family! It will great not to worry missing things anymore. So cheers to that, being close to Friends and Family!
Night ALL and God Bless!
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